Sophie Taeuber in Trogen, c. 1904 | Photo: Photographer unknown – Archiv Stiftung Arp e. V., Berlin/Rolandswerth

Sophie Taeuber, Munich 1914 | Photo: Eduard Wasow – Archiv Stiftung Arp e. V., Berlin/Rolandswerth

Sophie Taeuber in a costume, Zurich 1917 | Photo: Photographer unknown – Archiv Stiftung Arp e. V., Berlin/Rolandswerth

Sophie Taeuber and Hans Arp in front of the marionettes for the puppet show »King Stag«, Zurich 1918 | Photo: Ernst Linck – Archiv Stiftung Arp e. V., Berlin/Rolandswerth

Sophie Taeuber-Arp with Mary Wigman and Berte Trümphy, Arosa 1918 | Photo: Photographer unknown – Archiv Stiftung Arp e. V., Berlin/Rolandswerth

Sophie Taeuber and Hans Arp, Arosa 1918 | Photo: Archiv Stiftung Arp e. V., Berlin/Rolandswerth

Sophie Taeuber with Dada-Head, Zurich 1920 | Photo: Nic Aluf – Archiv Stiftung Arp e. V., Berlin/Rolandswerth