This website brings together in one place a comprehensive digital compilation of information and current research findings on the life and complete works of the Swiss artist Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1889–1943), making them available to experts and interested members of the public.
Central to this project is the online catalogue of the artist’s complete œuvre. This is the first time that Sophie Taeuber-Arp’s important oeuvre has been comprehensively documented on a scholarly basis.
The website and the oeuvre catalogue, the latter a work in progress, will be continuously updated.
Current exhibitions
Kosmos Kandinsky. Geometrische Abstraktion im 20. JahrhundertMore
Textile Manifeste – Von Bauhaus bis Soft SculptureMore
Radical – Women Artists and Modernism 1910-1950More
Hans/Jean Arp & Sophie Taeuber-Arp. Friends, Lovers, PartnersMore
Ich weiß, daß ich mich verdoppeln kann. Gisèle Vienne und die Puppen der AvantgardeMore
Wir werden bis zur Sonne gehen. Pionierinnen der geometrischen AbstraktionMore